What we do
Using state-of-the-art research and technology, the DIGYMATEX team is developing innovative tools to help young people use digital devices in ways that serve their mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing as well as the best interests of society.

Among others, the project will develop the following solutions:

Digital Youth
Maturity Index (DYMI)
The Digital Youth Maturity Index will:
- Map the core dimensions of healthy, adaptive device use (i.e., digital maturity) based on state-of-the-art research
- Be an evidence-based tool with real-world impact
- Enable assessment of digital maturity levels in children ages 9-18
- Provide a scientific basis for segmenting children into specific user groups based on behavior
- Make it possible to measure and predict harmful/beneficial device-related behavior for each segment using machine learning
- Be an open-access tool, available through a secure, cloud-based environment
- Demonstrate impact and generalizability through:
- Investigation of interdependencies and how these might influence the adaptive use of digital devices by children over time
- An understanding of how a child’s adaptive/maladaptive use of digital devices influences their core developmental competencies and characteristics (e.g., wellbeing, decision-making, learning, performance)

The DiGYou3 program will support application of the DYMI at individual, social, and national levels.
Using a systematic, user-centered Design Thinking approach, we will actively engage children, families, and other important stakeholders in the development of the program.
DiGYou3 will be an evidence-based intervention that helps…
- Improve outcomes on specific dimensions of digital maturity (i.e., healthy, adaptive device use)
- Support mindsets and behaviors that leverage digital devices as a force for positive impact on child development
- Promote device-related competencies
Together, these two innovative tools will provide evidence-based insights about the long-term effects of digital device use on the maturity and behavior of children.